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Sailing School Croatia - Weekend Sailing Course - CREW

During the three day intensive sailing program, the aim is to teach attendees the basic skills and knowledge of sailing. This program includes the following: theoretical and practical part of teaching (meteorology, nautical charts, on sailing boats in general, maneuvering engine, sailing on default route, changing direction according to the wind...).

During the three days weekend sailing program you can finish ISSA Yacht Crew level - the aim in this course is to teach attendees the basic skills and knowledge of sailing.


Experience required prior training: None
Minimum age required: 16 years old
Suggested number of training hours: 20 hours (minimum 3 days)

Skills and knowledge gained one this course

Yacht’s construction1. Knows the basic parts of yacht and what are they designed for: a. Cockpit  b. Bildge  c. Heads  d. Galley  e. Bow  f. Stern, aft etc.  g. Boom  h. Mast  i. Rigging  j. Haulyards 2. Can operate elementary yacht’s systems: a. Toilet  b. Gass oven  c. Sink  d. Shower   3. Can fill up the water and diesel tanks 4. Can operate the inboard engine: a. Start it  b. Switch it off  c. Check whether cooling system works  d. Inspection before starting.
Line and spring handling1. Can combine two lines of the same and different diameter 2. Can make:   a. Bowline  b. Fast a line on a cleat  c. Fishermen’s bend  d. Coil mooring lines 3. Can: a. Hand over  b. Take  c. Make fast on cleat  d. Let go mooring lines. 4. Can describe different ways of taking a mooring. Handling sail sheets and haulyards1. Can: a. Set and bring down the sails  b. Reef down and shake off the reefs.
Handling fenders1. Can: a. Fix them by applying adequate knots  b. effectively operate the manouvering fender. Operating the anchor.1. Can: a. Prepare anchor for weighing (switches and controls)  b. Operate the windlass (letting out and taking in the chain) Operating the dinghy.1. Can:   a. Take the dinghy off the deck and pull it in onto the deck  b. Secure the dinghy to the yacht  c. Use paddles effectively  d. Secure the dinghy to the deck. Safety.1. Can: a. Safely move arround the deck  b. Use the safety equipement  c. Use the distress singalling equipment (pirotechnics, mirror, flags etc.)  d. Use the fire fighting equipment (fire extinguishers – with consideration of various types available, fire blanket)  e. Apply various methods to make a distress signal (at least 4 methods) Other skills1. Can:   a. Keep observation of the sailing area and pass over information about the direction and distance to objects  b. Knows the lights of their own yacht in the night  c. Make adequate signals in fog  d. Effectively hold the helm

This course is intended for participants with no sailing knowledge or for those with basic sailing knowledge.

Arrival: Thursday evening or Friday early morning - getting fammiliar with your skipper/instructor, accommodation and program. Sailing course start: Course starts according to program on Friday morning with theory classes, sailing from 10:00 - 18:00 with lunch/swimm break in between. Each other day will be similar program, wake up/breakfast/theory/sailing/lunch-swimm/sailing/dinner - repeat.
End of the course: Sunday afternoon
Continuing education and training: basic level: ISSA Inland Skipper, advanced level: ISSA Inshore Skipper or advanced sailing and racing courses, Regatta sailing course.

Read more about sailing equipment & gear needed on board


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